Museums 1
Museums For unique cultural experiences


A plunge into history
The Museums of Cassino

Several noteworthy museums can be visited in the vicinity of Kairos Resort, telling the story and excellences of a province that is alive and rich in history. For all those who wish to learn about or delve into the culture of the Ciociaria region, we recommend the Montecassino Abbey Museum, the Historial Museum and the Archaeological Museum of the ancient city of Casinum for truly unique cultural experiences.

Museums 1
A plunge into history
Museum of the Abbey of Montecassino

The Montecassino Abbey Museum offers evidence of the various phases of the monastery’s history and art.
It is structured into various sections covering a time period from 6th sec. B.C. to the present day. The archaeological section displays artifacts recovered during excavations near the monastery. In the medieval section, however, are the fragments of the ancient abbey, destroyed over the centuries. Finally, the miniatures and prints section displays some manuscripts and printed books kept in the abbey’s archives.

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Museums 1
A plunge into history
Cassino Historial Museum

Of all museums, it was created on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Battle of Monte Cassino, with the intention of honoring the fallen soldiers of all nations who sacrificed themselves for the triumph of peace and freedom in World War II.
The layout of this multimedia museum was designed by Officine Rambaldi and creates an itinerary that transforms a visit to the museum into a high-impact plunge into history. A really interesting visit to better understand the events that affected Italy during the War.

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A plunge into history
Cassino Archaeological Museum

The archaeological museum of the ancient Roman city of Casinum displays pre-Roman artifacts from the city and its surroundings, as well as recent finds from the Roman necropolis and materials related to the Volscian civilization fromancient Satricum. Also on display are artifacts from Roman Casinum, including valuable works from the theater, plus a bone burial bed recently recovered from the necropolis of nearby Aquinum. A truly amazing archaeological museum to learn more about the history of the ancient Romans.

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Museums 1
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